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Eighty years ago, Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative came together with a mission, formed from a shared vision and commitment to a better future for our rural service territory. Our co-op’s founding members had to light the way, pioneering electricity for our communities that were left behind in the electrification movement of the ’40s.  Today, Arkansas Valley Electric is 86 years into deploying a fiber-optic network that will bring reliable, high-speed internet to all the co-op’s members, ushering in a new world of community development and economic growth with the same opportunities as those found in more heavily populated urban and suburban areas.

Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative believes member and community-owned infrastructure is the key: This is the principle upon which we are founded, and it has served us well for more than 86 years.

  • The WAVE Rural Connect fiber network represents a financial investment in the cooperative’s community to upgrade and enhance the electric distribution system and bring high-speed internet to our members.
  • The fiber optic network will improve the electric grid through more efficient operations through communication to all critical electric devices and reducing and shortening future electric outages.

Our Role and Impact

  • Our co-op is following the proven blueprint for rural fiber broadband success by following the electric infrastructure already in place to improve the operations of the electric system and leveraging available government funds.
  • Our 100% fiber network is a multiple-decade infrastructure investment. Fiber to the home is the gold-standard of future-proof telecommunications solutions.

Your Role and Impact

  • When you subscribe to WAVE Rural Connect’s fiber service, you are financially supporting your cooperative, your neighbors, and yourself.
  • You are enhancing your local economy with the added jobs, modern infrastructure projects, and accelerated commercial and residential growth that result from reliable, affordable connectivity.

Everyone benefits from local member-owned networks and high-speed internet access. At the heart of this project is first and foremost our members. We hope you’ll subscribe to your WAVE Rural Connect fiber service.