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Have you ever forgotten to turn the lights out before leaving the house? High-speed fiber internet from WAVE Rural Connect will allow you to install various smart home features that will solve this issue! Control your lights, thermostats, locks and more with smart home technology powered by WAVE Rural Connect’s fiber broadband services.

The high speeds and reliability of fiber internet will allow you to enhance your home and protect your family. WAVE Rural Connect can give you an internet connection that will keep your mind at peace about the safety of your home, even if you aren’t there. Rest assured that your family, pets, livestock and home will be safe with reliable security that you can check from anytime, anywhere.

Here are some helpful tips when setting up your smart home:

  • How many devices? – An inventory of the number of devices connected to your internet may surprise you. The more devices that need a connection, the more competition you have for bandwidth in your home. Turn off connections that are no longer needed. Older devices can slow wireless connections down.
  • Research and Compatibility – Think of your smart home as an ecosystem. The smart devices you purchase need to be compatible with each other. Consider your needs and plan ahead on your purchases and research them head of time.
  • Smart Device Notifications – Set up notifications on each smart device to let you know when there is an alert. Notifications can alert you when the garage door is eft open, when someone is at the door or when your smoke detectors go off.
  • Symmetrical High-Speed Internet – A quality connection is important. Ensure you have the right wi-fi router and a high upload speed to support all your devices. Not all routers are created equal. Upload speeds impact recorded video quality. HD streams usually need 3-5 Mbps upload per camera.

Control and protect your home today with reliable internet service from WAVE Rural Connect.